Saturday, March 5, 2011

the internet is sometimes boring

its late night. youre bored. maybe you have had a few gin and tonics and you think, I wonder if there is something interesting I could be looking at...
well then, here you go! bam.


[in-ter-uh-sting, -truh-sting, -tuh-res-ting]
engaging or holding the attention or curiosity: an interesting book.
arousing a feeling of interest: an interesting face.


so here you go:
possible "alien" life found in a meteorite. Its pretty much just pond scum, so I think the use of the word alien is used a little loosely (at least for what we have come to imagine when we hear the word) but its still pretty cool.

Its being highly debated, so we shall see where this goes in the coming weeks.

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